Hi all, I love that the bump has this page! I have two kids from a prev. marriage, now I met this man that is out of this world great! We've talked about getting married and having a baby together. I'm 38, and everyone keeps telling me I'm too old?!? I always wanted to have another baby, always, just didn't find "that guy" again until now.
I already know I have to go through Invitro to have another baby, but can you all help me? I have all theses thoughts going around in my head right now.
1. The age difference, there is a 9 year age diff. between me and this great guy I'm going to marry. Does anyone have this age diff., and if so, how has it worked out for you, any problems because of it?
2. having a baby at my age (38), you think it's crazy? All my friends look at me like I've gone out of my mind. They all say, you have two kids, be grateful. I am grateful, but I want to have one after I get married to this great man, with him. Is that so wrong?!?
3. The Invitro, anyone go through this? If so how many times did you have to go through it before you got preg.? I've heard that it usually take three times, and at 14k a time, that's a lot of money!
Re: Scared!
Hi, im 38 and my husband 30.....when we were dating i found it hard....my practical side acting up but the more we were together the better it got, we were married last october and we are the happiest we have ever been!! I was in a long relationship (11yrs) and engaged, it just wasnt meant to be, dont worry about the age, we have had no problems with anyone or anything! My best friend has 4 kids and is 39, her youngest just turned 1yr, you are right to want a baby with the man you love, nothing wrong with that!!!!
Im not much help with the invitro sorry, we are ttc for 4mths now, i will give it a few more and if nada stirring we will see a doc. GL with everything and advice from me dont over analize the age thing, it doesnt matter, take care!