
What's your thank you note policy?

especially for birthday parties?

DD just had her party of 13 kids.  Write thank you notes?  I always have, but it seems no one else does. It's an extremely busy and stressful week right now so part of me wants to skip it (I'm not someone who can wait a week to do them either.)

I definitely always make sure to do one if the person was not there to see the gift opening - sending a gift for baby, for bday, etc.


I don't want to be a heel for not sending them out, though.  A few friends in her pre-k class were invited so I do want to make a good impression for her. I don't want her to suffer for my pregnancy and interview over-whelmedness!

Re: What's your thank you note policy?

  • I dont send them out for birthdays....
  • So you're giving yourself two options: do them NOW, or do them NEVER?  Not, do them in a week or two?

    Kids came and brought presents.  Gratitude is the proper sentiment here.  You need to send them, and if that means waiting a week, then wait a week.  You're setting an example for your daugher here, after all.

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  • Always, usually within the week.  There have been times when it took me longer but I always send them.
    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
  • everything but Christmas is usually what I follow.

    Get 13 pieces of white paper and write on them "Hands Down, You're the Best" and have your DC put his hand prints in paint on them. Write a quick thank you and there you go...

    ok, maybe that's extra work...

  • We only send them if the person is not here for us to thank in person.  That is the way I was raised to do them, also.  I can honestly say that I have never received a thank you note from someone when we were at their party, either.  Maybe it's a regional thing.  IMO, having my child thank the person right then & there is as good as it gets.
  • Always for presents when the giver(s) isn't present.

    Usually for birthdays and other holidays depending on if it's a friend/aquaintance or family.  (We pretty much always do for friends/aq. and for family, we might give them a thank you gift - picture child has drawn, paint a birdhouse, mini flower pot child has painted with seeds child has planted).

    Edit: The lesson you are teaching your daughter in writing the notes at all that's more important than the timing of the notes.

  • I always send TY notes even if I thank them in person.  But when I was a kid my mother never let me open or play with/wear/spend any gift unless I had written the TY note.  It kind of stuck.  I get them out right away, lol.  My mother drilled that into me so I might be over the top with it IDK.
  • I do just about everything but Xmas.  They are short and sweet for sure and I usually send a picture of the birthday boy or one of the child at the party.  I try to get them out in a week, but if it's late-no biggie.  I would rather send them late, than not at all.  However, I will say, I am one of few friends that sends thank you notes.  I don't mind not receiving them, but I would not feel right if I didn't send one.
  • I hate getting and sending thank you cards.  I already know you are grateful or whatever and I appreciate it but don't waste the paper and stamps on something I'm going to throw right into the trash.  Maybe you can send email.  Don't listen to me, my DH says I'm rude all the time, I don't follow etiquitte rules.
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  • I don't send them for anything but showers but we do say thank you and I don't expect them except for showers or weddings.  I mean I know you are thankful for the gift so no need to waste paper or a stamp. 
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  • If there are a lot of people/kids at a b'day party, I do not care if I get a thank you note and I don't hold it against the mom. I do send thank you notes, but I don't keep score.
  • Ooh, this is kind of a hot button item for me. The thank you note isn't just about the gift, it's also about celebrating with you and your family.  

    Surely you can find 20 minutes over the course of a couple of weeks to sit down and write out a few cards.  It doesn't really take that long and the lesson to your daughter is to be grateful that people care enough about you to spend time with you.  Isn't the lesson itself worth the time?  

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  • I'm usually a stickler for etiquette, but not this one.  I think it is a waste of money (card and stamp), time, and energy and is certainly not green (killing trees and wasting gas to go to the store/post office).  I do write a thank you for any gift given when the giver isn't present.  If I thank in PERSON that is plenty of acknowledgement of the gift.  Matter of fact, I'd rather get that "thank you" as a gift giver rather than a paper thank you card.  It is much more heartfelt IMO.
  • Well, we got them done, but it was such a rush that I wrote them myself and just had her write her name in them and put thumbprints in them.  We made ladybugs out of the thumbprints - it was a ladybug theme bday.  Not sure of how much of a lesson she learned this time.  She did already write notes for her daycare party.  She will not be writing them for the family party from last night.  What an overwhelming week for all of us!
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