so jack has RSV and the doctor prescribed breathing treatments with albuterol 4x a day. do i need to wake him up to do them, or can i space them out throughout his awake hours during the day? she wasn't really clear about that.
and he HATES them so if i can let him sleep and not interrupt his sleep it would be better. bleeeeh - this sucks so bad.
Re: ugh - we have RSV UPDATED
They would have told you if you needed to wake him for the treatments...Marino has pretty severe viral triggered asthma and we only wake him for treatments under the worst of his illnesses (ones where he also needs oral steroids, etc). I would check his breathing overnight, though, and if has chest retractions or serious wheezing, try and administer the treatments as a "blow by" (just hold it near his face while he sleeps). The good news is they do get used to them after a while...Yo Gabba Gabba puts Marino in a trance, so we use that as "oh, isn't this fun? Let's watch YGG and wear this mask!"
I don't know if you read my blog, but there's lots of posts in there about breathing treatments (starting at when he was 9 months old). There's some labels in my label cloud about breathing treatments, nebulizer, etc.
we woke him once because DH was nervous and wanted to get a jump on it. we got halfway through while he was asleep, then he woke and we finished it. then he was up for an hour - YUCK. he chilled out this AM with a video to do it though. i think we are NOT going to wake him tonight unless his breathing sounds much worse. he seems to be helped by the treatments so i guess it is worth it. poor kiddo! we call it "fishy time" because his mask is a fish - LOL.
Can you ask the equipment place if they can give you tubing that will allow you to put the tube in his face but still hold the albuterol in an upright position? That's what we use and we are able to just put it to their faces while they are sleeping instead of even moving them.
I really feel your pain. Both of my babies had RSV this season; one after the other. So we had a long Dec. of treatments. Good luck and just know all the treatments and suction will end.
I woke Nathan up to give a treatment the first night he had RSV and didn't wake him after that because that night turned in to hell. I didn't get back to sleep from midnight-6am, but it also had to do with having twins and Joey seeing me go in to get Nathan, etc.
I think you should go in and listen to him breathe in the middle of the night and see how raspy, wheezy he sounds. If he sounds like he needs a treatment then you'll have to do it. I know how much it sucks.