The bouncy seat we have, and love, is carters cuddle me musical bouncer. The girls love the nature sounds and the heartbeat sound it makes...i totally reccommend it.
I never had too much luck feeding them in the bouncers, but I had two kinds of seats I really liked. The Boppy bouncer was great when they were super-little. They spent much of their time the first couple months in them and loved them. They even slept better in them than their crib. They liked it so much we wound up getting a second so they each could have one when they were too big to fit in one together. However, it doesn't have anything really entertaining so it wasn't great when they got older.
The second one I really like is the FP Newborn to toddler rocker. DDs have loved playing with the toys and since it has higher sides than a normal bouncer, I can still even use it now to put one in when she has her bottle/sippy cup. (Sorry, can't make links clicky)
2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
FP rainforest & ocean ones...we like them both & used them a lot when they were little for napping & entertaining and then when they were bigger for feeding both. I really like the fact that the vibrate, play music & have stuff to look at, although some ppl don't like all the electronic stuff.
They love their Rainforest bouncy chair. The second bouncy (Brightstars) is not as popular, but the vibration feature helps them relax & nap during the day.
Re: reccomend your bouncy seat
The bouncy seat we have, and love, is carters cuddle me musical bouncer. The girls love the nature sounds and the heartbeat sound it makes...i totally reccommend it.
I never had too much luck feeding them in the bouncers, but I had two kinds of seats I really liked. The Boppy bouncer was great when they were super-little. They spent much of their time the first couple months in them and loved them. They even slept better in them than their crib. They liked it so much we wound up getting a second so they each could have one when they were too big to fit in one together. However, it doesn't have anything really entertaining so it wasn't great when they got older.
The second one I really like is the FP Newborn to toddler rocker. DDs have loved playing with the toys and since it has higher sides than a normal bouncer, I can still even use it now to put one in when she has her bottle/sippy cup. (Sorry, can't make links clicky)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***