I have heard so many different ideas.
Some people took off a week of work and took their kid to the bathroom every hour (or whatever). They claim they were potty trained in a week.
Some people have told me that they didn't do much and DC just did it when they were ready.
DD does ok. She will usually go when we put her on the potty but she won't really go #2 in the potty (she has before but lately she won't at home or daycare). Every time they change her at daycare they sit her on the potty and she goes. We really haven't pushed it. Got a letter today that she has to be potty trained before she can change classes in June at daycare (She is in K2 and will go to K3. She will be 3 in March). Now I am a little stressed about it. Should I just push it more? Any advice would be awesome.
Re: How did you potty train DD?