Cincinnati Babies

Anyone heard from Loriz lately??

I haven't seen her on in a few weeks and she's one of the few that doesn't have a facebook account.  Just wondering if she was on vaca or something.  Anyone know?
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Re: Anyone heard from Loriz lately??

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    I hadn't thought about it, but now that you mention it, I haven't seen her on here in a LONG time.  Hope everything is ok!
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    I was thinking the same thing too actually. I sent her sister a message on FB (I am not a stalker I went to highschool with her and Lori) I was worried that something was wrong but she sais they moved Allison into her big girl room which used to be computer room so that may be why she has not been on.  I hope she returns soon her new little one will be here soon then she really won't have time for us.
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    You ladies are so nice to notice!  I'm still here but I haven't had much time to post in the past few weeks.  Nicole (well, and my sister) :) are right that we've been trying to get all kinds of stuff done before this new baby makes its appearance.  Allison has also needed me to nap with her now and although I don't mind the extra sleep, now I have less time to get stuff done around the house or get onto the computer.  I've been trying to at least read some posts every once in a while on my phone, but I haven't figured out an easy way to respond on my phone yet.  So, anyway, I'm still kind of here and hopefully I'll have more time soon.  :)
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    Hey Lori sorry to get all FBI on you Stick out tongue Was just worried about you and baby when I noticed you'd been gone. Glad things are going well and you're getting some extra naps.
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