Cincinnati Babies

Once upon a child "stuff a bag" sale

Re: Once upon a child "stuff a bag" sale

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    Which one do you go to?  The one in Florence isn't any good.
    Ava Caroline 8.27.07 I Charlotte Grace 5.18.09 I Lila Katherine 1.20.11

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    What are the details? I've never been to one before.
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    I just got the email too!  I go to the one on Colerain and its pretty decent.  I'm sure there is way more for girls, like always, but I have good luck there.

    Fill a bag with clearance items for $15.

    Kristen & Mike 7/2005
    Griffin 10/2007
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    Do you bring your own bag?  Do they have a size limit???  :-)
    Jennie Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Do you bring your own bag?  Do they have a size limit???  :-)


    They give you a bag when you walk in. Granted, the bag isn't huge or anything... but in the past I have been able to stuff 20+ items in the bag making it less than $1 per item

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    I'm going to act like I didn't read this post! ;) My child does NOT need anymore clothes! 

    As far as which one to go to---the Colerain locations boys section is lacking but the girls is awesome! and my cousin swear by the one in Western Hills, she said the selection there is much better!  

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    Ahh!!  I have to work!!
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