Cincinnati Babies

And he wonders why I yell to close the door!!!!

DH that is! I am constantly reminding him to close the door behind him. He is good at closing the doors when a baby is around and moble or other kids at the house, but I guess since Ayden wont go down the basement steps (yet) he thinks a crack is ok. Well it's not b/c he also doesn't close the pantry door. So.........Last night while DH was cooking dinner he once again left the pantry door open. I was upstairs. I came down and Ayden was in the Family Room eating, yes eatting crisco shortening. Ewwwww....So I took that away and told DH. He laughed of course. I turn around and yelled "how did he get that". Ayden had the Karo syrup upside down and squirting it all over the coffee table. BIG STICKY MESS!!!! WOW was I pissed! And he wonders why I yell. Ayden thougtht it was great and kept licking his hands. Nice!! So DH had not only clean up duty of the dishes, and giving Ayden a nice bath, but I also told him he needs to clean up the mess. I stood there and watched.  Hopefully he will learn to close the doors from now on!! We shall see =)

Re: And he wonders why I yell to close the door!!!!

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    DH is also a chronic leaver of open doors.  It drives me insane.  His biggest offense is the garage door.  I don't know why it's so hard for him to remember to close the garage door when he leaves for work at 6am, but it makes me batty when I wake up and the door has been open while Allie and I are sleeping alone in the house.  All you have to do is push the button from your truck!  It's not that hard!

    The other one that gets me lately is toothpicks.  He is a toothpick addict.  He leaves them all around the house which is gross enough, but when I see my one year old walking around with them in her mouth it makes me want to gag.  We do own trash cans...please use them!

    Photos courtesy of Jen Rose Photography
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    Aww... DHs are so clueless sometimes!  I swear I think we tell them stuff to nag, but there really is a reason behind what we aske them to do!  (Can you tell mine has been driving me nuts this week too?)  Funny story!
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    I was afraid to open this post, I thought there was going to be a stair incident.
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    I know it wasn't funny at the time, but how funny! Hope dh learned his lesson
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