Cincinnati Babies

NBR: Hav2run and other photog bumpies

So, I'm finally going to get a DSLR, but I'm just not sure which is the best to get?  I'm looking to spend between $5-600 or so.  I "think" I've heard that the Nikon D3000 is good beginners camera but I would like some of your input.  TIA!
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Re: NBR: Hav2run and other photog bumpies

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    When you decide what model to buy check out - I bought a Canon Rebel last fall and going through them I saved about 30% off retail. I got a "factory refurbish," which was just an overstocked model that a store sent back. It comes with the same warranty and accessories, just a different box.
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    I got my Canon Rebel X Si a few weeks ago from Craigslist.  Paid $500 new-in-box.  My husband's friend is quite the amateur photog so he met up with the guy, took the camera for a spin and inspected everything.  Once he gave it his blessing my husband gave the guy $500 and the camera is fabulous.  I have plans for a better lens someday but it's great for now while I'm learning how to use it.
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    Nikons and I don't get along. Every time I buy one it gets returned for a manfacturer's defect. I love my Canons. I have an XSi and and an XT. Love them both.
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    FWIW, I also have the Rebel XSi; and I love it.  
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    We have a Canon XSI and love it!
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    We have the Canon Rebel xsi.  I love it.  I am just a hobbyist, and just want to learn to take great photos.  No intent here to make money from my camera, so an entry level DSLR is perfect for that.  You will find debate after debate over Nikon vs Canon.  My advice is to go to a store that has both.  Hold them, play with the buttons and just see which one feels better in your hands.  You will notice a difference and find a preference.  Canon was what felt good for me. 

    I also would not get to caught up in finding a package deal with a kit lens.  The kit lens is not the greatest, and if I could go back, I would buy the body and a 50mm 1.8 or 1.4 lens to get started learning.  I love my 50 and never use the kit lens now.  It is great for low light settings and taking pics of the kiddos.  The 50mm 1.8 is about $80 vs the kit lens that is $150.  Just my opinion though.  Good luck, and have fun!  I love my DSLR.

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