Here's a list of all our MoM's to be in order of due date: *Please let me know if I missed anyone or if you would like to be added to the list* Thanks
1.19.10 corirosen
1.25.10 carrielynn911 Girls! (c-sec 1/25)
1.26.10 schen0510 Boy/? !
1.28.10 ebrooke
Kerry2005 Boy/Girl!
1.29.10 Jenn2929 Boy/Girl!
2.06.10 Ms.Scarlet Boys!
2.07.10 lckychrms Boys! (c-sec 1/19)
2.11.10 DESFX Boy/Girl!
2.12.10 JanuaryBride2007
2.14..10 ahavea2005 Girls!
RVAYogini Boy/Girl!
Young1009004 Boy/Boy!
2.18.10 MamaMaria21810
2.20.10 aspen07 Girls!
2.21.10 Chari44 Boy/Girl!
melp723 Boy/Girl!
2.23.10 Wyldeflower Girls!
2.24.10 eileenm21
2.26.10 cholzer
2.28.10 kimarino13 Girls! (c-sec 2/2)
TalulaSue Girls! (c-sec 2/9)
3.02.10 Inky75 Boy/Girl!
3.03.10 AlexPuppy Girls!
3.05.10 CrazeyJaneyR Boys! (c-sec 2/19)
preheatedoven Boy/Girl!
3.07.10 iona76 Girls!
3.10.10 dulcinea03 Girls!
3.11.10 themathgirl Boys!
3.12.10 TDM Girls!
3.14.10 mrscarrol Girls! (c-sec 2/17)
3.15.10 meshell782 Boys!
3.21.10 ali329 Girls!
3.23.10 mdearrington Boys!
3.24.10 luvie13
3.27.10 thiswillbe Boy/Girl!
3.30.10 Bybo Boy/Boy!
4.04.10 sam681
4.07.10 nerwak Boy/Girl!
4.08.10 mamahirv Boy/Girl!
sejabernathy Boy/Girl!
4.13.10 outofcntrl82 Boys!
4.14.10 Ms. Priss Boy/Girl!
4.18.10 MrsDonnelly2007 Boys!
4.19.10 nygrl79 Boys!
4.20.10 CER+MEL Boy/Girl!
Pipigirl Girls!
4.21.10 jenkm Boys!
4.22.10 BeccaLandes Boys!
4.25.10 jenchi33 Girls!
4.27.10 Robinsokj Boys!
SLM05 Boy/Boy/Boy!
SPerry0376 Boy/Girl!
4.28.10 Inle Girl/Boy/Girl!
MrsErv412 Girls!
4.29.10 FemmeFataleNat01 Boy/Girl!
LeapDayLinsey Girls!
4.30.10 Mrs LLH Boy/Girl!
5.02.10 kstjean Surprise!
5.09.10 Nikki1007 Boy/Girl(?)
5.12.10 sawyer918 Boys!
5.14.10 hellomynameisfabulous Girls!
5.16.10 Meagamomma2be Girls!
5.19.10 thomas&lynn
5.25.10 SouthSeasBride Boy/Girl!
trlvr Girls!
5.26.10 SoldiersGreenBean Boy/Girl!
timmy's wife Boy/Girl!
5.27.10 efhoping2010 Boy/Girl!
Marbear81 Boy/Girl!
SLM05 Boy/Boy/Boy!
5.30.10 JillRock96 Girls!
5.31.10 Gigi1221 Boys!
6.06.10 Hibiscus2007 Triplets!
6.07.10 Dec31stBride Boy/Girl!
6.08.10 Flower2005 Boy/Gir!l
6.09.10 Kimmy08 Girls!
6.10.10 ryansgirl25
6.15.10 amanda31H Girls!
6.18.10 Jstar Boys!
6.26.10 AlishaMay
6.27.10 ccthatsme21
7.01.10 LakeGenevaBride
7.07.10 clarku2000
7.11.10 MrsAmyB Girl/Girl/Boy!
7.12.10 leneae10
7.14.10 Aliciamomof4
7.15.10 AppleBear
7.17.10 kaiteedidit
7.19.10 amcam24 Surprise!
7.29.10 kristyn&ken
7.30.10 Mikiesgirl70106
7.31.10 Miss_Kris81
8.01.10 SheepyMcGee
8.02.10 SSFaith
8.03.10 BizEB
8.16.10 amandalea01
8.19.10 schenkertobe
8.21.10 bkjcwedding
8.22.10 nicolelynn00
8.26.10 I_am_DCA
9.02.10 sescms2004
9.08.10 ougrad1
9.14.10 Julybaby09
Anything new that you'd like to share? New appt? Did you find out the genders? You may have to Highlight and scroll down to view question, as it is often cut off due to the size of the list.
~Question of the day~
Do you have a cute nickname for your multiples? What do you call them and why?
Re: MoM's to be check in Friday :) :)
I've been trying to break the habit of calling them "the twins" early.
I'm actually calling them by their names - Owen & Zoe! Still can't exactly tell which one is kicking at any given time.
We arent set on names so we still call them A and B...or if they are hurting me I call them the little buggers, or something of the sort.
Its weird watching my EDD move up on the list
You an add me to the list.
My 40w due date is Aug 24th, but my goal is to make it to 36w.
QOTD: We jokingly call the babies Ozzie and Harriet. This was an IVF cycle and for some reason I referred to them by those names after transfer.
My update: My last OB appt on Monday was good. Both babies are developing a little ahead of schedule and their cardiac activity looked good. Next up: NT scan on 2/8
We found out that our Triplets are 2 boys and a girl! So excited to have one little girl in our family. It has been hectic trying to train someone to replace me at work all before I am pulled out of work. So far so good, but I feel like I am racing the clock here. It is definitely getting harder, I am already the same size when I gave birth to my son at 40 weeks. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
QOTD: We have picked names so I try to refer to them with those but sometimes I still call them my 3 bears. My husband started referring to me as Goldilocks...(and the 3 bears)
We are 18w.. our 40w due date is June 30th and we are having boy/girl twins...Gemini Geminis!!!! :-)
My nickname for them at the moment are Frick and Frack since we just found out their gender...guess I will need to find something more appropriate! :-)
QOTD: from the beginning it was my peanut and then when we found out twins we started calling them the Peanuts! now we call them Braylon and Mackayla (we always have) but had to hold off before we let names go
Update: 2 days now, still in L&D. still dilated to 1cm which is good, no change from yesterday! OB says we have at least a couple more days hopefully 2+more weeks but we have to see what happens after i come off mag. contractions are down to 1-3 an hour. i am not in NEARLY as much pain as I was when I was admitted. i received my 2nd steroid shot at 9 pm last night and we are waiting for the official 48 hours after the 1st shot (tonite 9pm). OB says tomorrow morning at about 9:30am I will be taken off of the mag and then observed and moved from L&D to the anti-partum unit! this means catheter comes out and i get shower privliges AND get to go to pee in the toilet! oh how the little things excite me!
Update: We took our first trip to L&D last night. A couple of signs pointed to potential pre-E, so my OB is taking extra caution and had me sent for overnight monitoring. I had a few contractions and the babies heartbeats look good, but my blood pressure is creeping up a touch. Still relatively low, but on the high side for me. My OB will be here this morning, then the Peri sometime today. We'll see what they say: home, stay for more monitoring, or deliver.
QOTD: We're pretty unoriginal and have stuck with Baby A/B. My SIL likes to go with Thelma & Louise though.
Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
Update: Good appointment with the Peri, both babies heartrates were 150 and they were "practicing their breathing" too which was fun to see. They also look like little dolls now with their faces being much fuller and less skeletal. I go back again in 3 weeks for a regular check and a growth u/s in 4 weeks. Oh and both babies are now head down but cervix is holding strong, yay! I also passed my one hour glucose, yay! But my iron is still too low, now down to 10.1, boo! How can the iron pills and iron diet not be working???
QOTD: When we became pregnant we knew our baby, which turned out to be babies, would be born in the Chinese year of the Tiger. Since DH is Chinese we have been calling them our little tigers since the 7 week u/s where we learned it was twins