Texas Babies

Well, if the 15 week u/s is right...

It's a boy!  We did a dating u/s today since I have super long, irregular cycles (34-42 days), but it looks like this time around going by my LMP is right on.  We have our "big" u/s scheduled in 4 weeks, so we hopefully confirm the sex then.DH asked the tech if she could tell and she answered that she doesn't even look until at least 17 weeks... a minute or so later she smiled and said she could go out on a limb if we wanted to know.  DH is so excited - there are currently SIX granddaughters on both sides, no grandsons.  It is going to be hard to keep DH quiet for 4 weeks until we get it verified! 

Re: Well, if the 15 week u/s is right...

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