
NPR: Ever leave something at a hotel and get it back?

DH left his freaking prescription glasses at a hotel on his business trip.  He called to alert them and they said they'd get back to him.  He is practically blind, so let's just say that I am not looking forward to the $ it will cost to replace them.  Please tell me you've gotten something back that you've left at a hotel....

Re: NPR: Ever leave something at a hotel and get it back?

  • Yep. I left my flat iron at a hotel in LA and they mailed it back to me.

    Good luck!

  • Yes. DH left an expensive pair of shoes on a trip we took. They had them at the office when we drove back through.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • yes! DH left a pair of shoes and the hotel mailed them to us! there is hope! :)
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • I left my passport at a hotel and England and they sent it to the next hotel I was staying at in France.

    Not sure you'd get that kind of service in the U.S. though.

  • Yes, I left a watch, nightgown, and PDA (different hotels) and got it back.
  • We've left a few things in the past and they've mailed them back to us. 
  • I have - I left a pair of shoes in a hotel room in Australia and they mailed them to me.

    I would think any maid would know that someone is going to be missing their glasses and will be calling/coming back for them.  And not worth stealing unless someone happens to have the exact same prescription.  Good luck getting them back!

  • i just posted last night about a woman who lost her blackberry in hawaii and a hotel front desk had it for her.

  • I think it depends on what it is.  I left a favorite pillow of one of my kid's and never saw it again (even though we called shortly after we left.  My oldest DD also left her prescription meds in a hotel bathroom...never to be seen again even though we called as soon as it was time to take it again (probably 5-6 hours).  Their policy (at both places) we were told was to dispose of things like that.  Maybe glasses they will hold on to...hopefully for your sake.  Has your DH called them yet?
  • Wow you guys have much better luck than I had!  I left a coat and a backpack (filled with stuff, including my wallet & passport) in a hotel in Dublin.  I went back to the hotel the next day & the only thing they said they found was the empty backpack.  Nice.  I had to file a police report & spend a few hours in the American Embassy getting a new passport.  Fun times. 


  • I work at a hotel and we are always mailing things back to guest. If you dont talk to the right person it might take a few days.  Our Exec Housekeeper logs all of the lost and found items so it may be a day or 2 before she updates the log for the front desk to know.  We do make the guest pay for the shipping.
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