The it was confirmed yesterday that the little guy definatly has a "lazy eye". My DH has had it and had 3 surgries to resolve it..
Anyways, I will try to keep this short but the last few years of my life have been plagued with hospital stays and surgies for me due to a really bad accident I was in. I was hit by a drunk drive and I spent 2 months in the hospital, 6months not walking ( and being told I may never walk again) and countless surgries. Then, I spent 10 day in the hospital tying to stop my labor and 10 more week with the little guy in the NICU.
I have always been good about laughing through these things and tring to see the positive but I am having a really hard time now. I am so sick of the hospital and stuff. I know that I can't smile and joke though this stuff be honest just thinking about the LO with IV's and wires again makes me start to shake and I start to cry and feel guilty, like I caused this in some way ( I know that is crazy but that is how I feel) I still blame myself for him comming early. You don't even want to know, the crap I say to myself about his early arrival.
I know that I should count my blessing and not feel sorry for myself or my son. He is a very healty 9mth old preemie. He doesn't have any heathy issues at all but this one thing with his eye but still....I don't know how to handle my emotions and stop breaking down. I have always been a very stong person but though the years and all the crap I have gotten worn down. I don't feel like I have any strength left. Please help me! I am so sorry for whinning but I am really stressed about this...
BTW...his appt for the eye doctor is March 19th
Re: Lazy eye...Vent need support please!
HUGS!!! I'm so sorry. It sounds like this is the straw that broke the camel's back. You are doing a great job being strong for your family!
Have you ever talked to a therapist? It might be a good idea, especially with all you have been through in the last several years!
I know nothing about lazy eye issues, but hopefully it is easy to resolve in Trey. Good luck!
We're a lazy eye family here too. DD is now 26 months plus and is having surgery, but we did patching first for about 4.5 months. Depending on how severe his situation is, you might be able to resolve it with patching or glasses, or vision therapy or a combo and not need surgery at all. At his age, it sems like you might be able to patch with success becuse he is so young he might be "trainable" as far as wearing the patch goes. They don't recomend doing the surgery (if they are going to do it) too early because their eyes and eye musccles are still changing too much. I would hope that in the mean time they would offer you some alternative treatments o see how much difference they can make. Some kids still take multipe surgeries to correct the problem, but there are more and more cases where only one is needed.
But for now ... stay strong Momma! You can get through this!!! And the good news is that if he does need a surgery, it i outpatient and they say the kids are up and playing later the same day as if nothing had happened.
I will be happy to chat with you further about our experiences if you'd like. You can e-mail me at tkimit at that free msn e-mail that is the opposite of coldmail. LOL Or you can just post back and forth here ... whatever works.
No problem. I'm happy to help in any way I can.
Oh ... I should have added that I had lazy eye too. I was diagnosed around age 3. I wore glasses and had a patch for a while growing up and still wear glasses today (though I have gone to contacts off and on). I never had surgery. And I've never had any significant "problems" associated with the lazy eye. So as with everything in medicine .... every case if slightly different. Here's hoping your son's case is an easy one!