I think that the "messy diaper" game would be fun for the co-ed shower. It would be a good way for the men to correlate a messy diaper with sweets... as sick as it may seem, I'm sure it would work!
You will need some diapers (any size will do), different kinds of candy bars, and a microwave.
Don't you wonder why someone who doesn't like games opens a post asking for ideas just to post she doesn't like them?
Anyway, the guys at the co-ed showers I've been to really like the dirty diaper and the finsih the nursery rhyme games. Surprising how little they remember! lol I also went to one where each couple decorated a bib using fabric markers. It was interesting to see if it came out more boyish or girlish. The guys had fun with that as well. You could have each person decorate but that might get pricey. At another one the host had a list of things the mom, dad, both or neither did in their lives. Like...who went snorkeling, has ridden in a helicopter, been to Niagra Falls, etc. We were asked to write down mom, dad, both or neither and the person who got the most right won. You could do this as just a "call out" type of game. Just read the question out loud and have them call out. It gets hysterical...especially since some of the questions were a bit risque.
I'm not a big fan of games myself, so my suggestion is to keep it to just a few games. This is especially true if men are there - they will get tired of silly games *really* quickly.
Actually, silky, I've found the opposite to be true at the co-ed showers I've gone to. The guys seemed more enthusiastic about the games then the women did. lol Maybe just had a bunch of fun-lovin' guys at those showers.
I've heard of a beer chugging out of bottles contest. Or it could be non alcoholic. It would be funny watching a bunch of guys drinking from a bottle, lol.
We just played a game at my shower where the host had a basket of baby items and we all had to guess how much each item cost. Whoever came up with the closest total was the winner and the mom-to-be got to keep the basket of goodies. Some of the items in the basket included cereal, socks, baby lotion, diapers (small package,) baby wash and other similar things. It was interesting to see how much everyone thought things cost.
Re: fun games to do at a baby shower
I think that the "messy diaper" game would be fun for the co-ed shower. It would be a good way for the men to correlate a messy diaper with sweets... as sick as it may seem, I'm sure it would work!
You will need some diapers (any size will do), different kinds of candy bars, and a microwave.
Don't you wonder why someone who doesn't like games opens a post asking for ideas just to post she doesn't like them?
Anyway, the guys at the co-ed showers I've been to really like the dirty diaper and the finsih the nursery rhyme games. Surprising how little they remember! lol I also went to one where each couple decorated a bib using fabric markers. It was interesting to see if it came out more boyish or girlish. The guys had fun with that as well. You could have each person decorate but that might get pricey. At another one the host had a list of things the mom, dad, both or neither did in their lives. Like...who went snorkeling, has ridden in a helicopter, been to Niagra Falls, etc. We were asked to write down mom, dad, both or neither and the person who got the most right won. You could do this as just a "call out" type of game. Just read the question out loud and have them call out. It gets hysterical...especially since some of the questions were a bit risque.
I'm not a big fan of games myself, so my suggestion is to keep it to just a few games. This is especially true if men are there - they will get tired of silly games *really* quickly.
The string game, Attribute game