Everyone keeps asking what our name we have picked out. I originally wanted to keep the name we pick secret. Im 80% sure its a girl, well the tech said it looked girlish, but couldnt say for sure, but I just have a gut feeling, anyways hopefully we will find out on the 3rd. DH doesnt think its a big deal if we tell everyone or not. Im torn...
Did you announce the name before baby or if pg will you?
Re: I cant make up my mind....
I think I will tell people. I'll probably be too excited not to, and I'm terrible with secrets when asked a direct question. I can't lie! And my family wouldn't appreciate it if I told them "sorry we are not telling you". LOL.
Of course....
We are thinking Abigail Jane (Jane goes back in DHs family many generations)
Or second Gabrielle MN not sure yet,