
Making shutterfly book - help?

I decided to use my free 8x8 book code that I got to make an ABC book for DS (thank you to whichever nestie posted that - the code was THANKS).

I have a couple of letters that are giving me trouble. In particular, can you give any help for:

E - I - N - Q - W - X

Re: Making shutterfly book - help?

  • E = elephant

    I = ice cream

    N = nose

    Q = Queen

    W = water

    X = xylaphone

  • What is the ABC book?
  • Loading the player...
  • I did:

    E- Easter eggs (photo of kids decorating Easter eggs)

    I- Icing (photo of baby with frosting from 1st b-day on her face)

    N- Neighbor (photo of kids playing with the neighbor kids)

    Q- Queen (photo of DD with a birthday crown)

    W- Whisper (photo of the kids whispering to Santa)

    X- Xanthan gum but that probably doesn't work for most people! (something we use a lot in gluten-free baking, so I used a pic of the kids making muffins)

  • E- ears

    I- Ice Cream


    Q- quiet


    X- Xylophone 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagereemarie81:
    What is the ABC book?

    Just a book with a page for each letter having a picture of them on it.  Like B is for Bike - a picture of DS on his bike he got for his birthday.

    It's been really fun to make. I just got stuck on a couple of letters, and digging through pictures for specific things is a little hard.

  • E - I - N - Q - W - X

    E I did excited

    I I did ice cream and inside 2 pictures

    N I did No I have a pic of Reid saying no to Grace that is very cute

    Q I did quiet A pic of them sleeping

    W I did wagon

    X I did Xmas :)

    Have fun!

    Reid 9-17-05 Grace 6-2-07 Owen 10-19-11
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