
MOMs of toddlers, food question and weight gain?

These kids will not eat. Seriously, they just throw everything on the floor. I have gotten so creative and was really proud of myself whipping up things I thought they might eat. I've even made a few things incorporating wheat germ because I read it is supposed to be really good for you and super high in protien.  They won't eat any meat (not even chicken nuggets).  I've tried condiments and they just the condiments and not the food.

I wouldn't be too concerned except that Connor actually lost weight at his 18 month appt from his one-year well visit. And they are still so small...neither of them are even on the chart for weight yet.  I know toddlers are supposed to be picky eaters but they won't even eat things they like.  They take two bites and throw it.  Sigh, what's a mommy to do?  Any suggestions?

I'm just starting to get concerned that they are still so small.  When did your kids "catch up"?  Do you think I should talk to the doctor.

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