Baby Showers

Inviting Co-Workers

I'm a substitute teacher in a district that has 9 different schools. I mainly work in 1 school where I know a lot of the teachers. I've been working in this building for 3 years now.

A lot of these ladies have known about my pregnancy since the beginning and always ask how i'm feeling, how the baby is, wanting to see pictures and such. When I have the same lunch time as some ladies (5 of them), I always eat lunch with them in a classroom.

That being said, there could be 15-20 of these ladies that I could invite to my shower. My mother was just casually talking about the guest list and asked about co-workers of mine and who i'd like to invite.

These are just ladies I work with maybe 3 days a week, we don't do anything outside of work. The only thing that could be an exception is i'm friends with some of them on facebook.

So my question is, do I invite these ladies? Do I just get the invites off my mother and hand them out?

I don't know why I feel weird about inviting them to my shower. Maybe it's because i'm not really an employee of the school, I just tend to work there 99% of the time I substitute. So what should I do?

BFP#1 {Cashew} - 9.19.09 EDD 5.26.10
The day you first lay in my arms, you made my life complete.
Aurora Rose born sleeping at 35w on 4-21-10
BFP#2 {Almond} - 2.1.11 EDD 10.12.11 C/P 2.11.11

Re: Inviting Co-Workers

  • I vote no. 

    Sounds like they are work aquaintences ... not friends. 


  • This one is hard but I also vote no based on your description of your relationship.  Chances are they might have a little "teacher's lounge" shower for you if they feel close to you.   Unless you really have a couple close friends, it is hard to draw the line on who you will invite (someone will always be left out.) 

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  • I would also vote "no".  If you are feeling uneasy about inviting them then you shouldn't invite them.  More than likely they will have something small for you at school...or at the very least just give you a gift when the time comes (either before your delivery or after).   The ones on facebook will probably keep the others informed as to progress, etc.  It sounds like they are not really "friends". 
  • I also vote no.  They really are "work friends" not "friends you work with".  If they want to throw a litte shower for you, they will.

    ETA: also, I think 15 - 20 is a LOT of (who are really) casual acquaintances to invite to your shower.

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

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  • I'd also go with no.  I think coworkers should be invited to a non-work shower only if you consider them your friends outside of work (do other things with them).  I guess to me it's inappropriate if the first thing to invite someone to is a party to give you a gift, type of thing.

  • I don't think it's necessary to invite them.  If you don't socialize with them outside of work, it would be gift grabby, IMO.  If they want to celebrate, they can plan a work shower for you in the break room one day after school, or bring you a gift once the baby arrives.

    If you decide that you are going to invite them, despite the essential tackiness of doing so, at least have the courtesy to mail them an invitation.  That way, if they think you're being gift grabby and don't want to come, they are not "put on the spot" to commit or make an excuse not to come.  If you do not have their addresses, that just further confirms my belief that it's rather gift grabby.

  • Given your description, I vote no. I'm a less-is-more person when it comes to number of shower invitees. Only the closest of the close get invited. I did not invite any of my current co-workers. I have a very good relationship with my supervisor and have been working for her for over 6.5 years, but I decided to leave work out of it. Work did throw a surprise shower though which was a complete surprise and very thoughtful.

  • I am keeping my shower with true friends.  So I am only inviting people from work if I am actually real friends with them outside of work.  For me, that means no one from work is getting invited even though I eat lunch with the same group of four ladies every day.
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  • imageK.a.T.e:

    I vote no. 

    Sounds like they are work aquaintences ... not friends. 



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