
May need to see ANOTHER specialist....sigh

I'm so freakin' tired of this.  I tell everybody that we're in the "specialist of the month" club and it's the truth.  Took J to PT today and the therapist brings up that she thinks it would be a good idea to get an MRI of J's brain.  Besides being delayed in everything, J is having difficulty with motor planning skills.  She talked to our pedi (she takes her kids to the same office that I take J) and ran into him and he said that a neurology consult would be the next step.

Fantastic.  Let's run down the list....

Cardiology, urology, neurosurgery, genetics, endocronology and let's not forget PT, OT, and Feeding therapy team (which will include nutrition, psychology, develp. pedi, pediatric GI, and who knows who else - we see them in a week).

Yes, I'm having a bad day. :(

Re: May need to see ANOTHER specialist....sigh

  • Wow, that is a shittastic day isn't it?  I'm sorry. 


    Kind of off topic, but...  Which feeding team are you using, out of what hospital?

  • imagelstaylor73:

    Wow, that is a shittastic day isn't it?  I'm sorry. 


    Kind of off topic, but...  Which feeding team are you using, out of what hospital?

    We're seeing the interdisciplinary feeding team at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus.  We've been in feeding therapy since Sept, but J hasn't made any progress at all so we are trying this.  I sure hope they can help us.

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  • I'll look forward to hearing great things about this.  We start a six week feeding clinic intensive boot camp therapy on April 27th.
  • ugh. I'm so sorry!


  • imagelstaylor73:
    I'll look forward to hearing great things about this.  We start a six week feeding clinic intensive boot camp therapy on April 27th.

    Good luck with that!  I've been following your posts so I'm really curious as to what happens there.  I wish you lots of success!

  • man, what a day we had today huh?  I hope we are both done with dr.'s soon!
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  • I'm sorry. hugs!! I didn't know there was so many specialists until Kevin was born. T&P for a good MRI.
  • ugh. That sucks. I'm sorry :(
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