
Had DS's IEP meeting this morning.. :(

I have mixed feelings.  They said his reading comprehension is not good.  He can read the words but not comprehend. He is at the end of 2nd grade level (he is in 3rd)  His writing isn't good (but they are just focusing on the academics, it is a fine motor issue)  I was overwhelemed and didn't ask how to help him.  He also needs to work on his organizational skills.

His strength is math, he is great at that.  The special ed teachers and his teacher all said he is hillarious and were laughing when talking about some of the stuff he says.  It is only going to get harder and have to figure out how to help him more! 

Re: Had DS's IEP meeting this morning.. :(

  • As a special ed teacher, that sounds promising.  He is not even 1 year behind in reading.  He sounds like a student that can be remediated and dismissed from special ed with the proper instruction.  :)  Trust me, this is good news.  I had kids in 5th grade on a primer reading level. 
  • (((hugs))) Focus on the positive and place a follow up phone call with his teachers asking for suggestions on how to work on reading comprehension, writing, and organization at home.  Hang in there! 

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  • Honey, he's barely behind in reading. That sounds like a great meeting.

    I was a middle school remedial reading teacher, and I had 6th-8th graders who were reading at sub-first or a second grade level. THAT was behind.

    I don't know many 3rd graders with good organizational skills, so I don't know what that's all about.

    Comprehension and writing are definitely things that can improve with work.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • The fact that he in only one year behind should be very encouraging. Kids can make up more than that in a year with the proper interventions/help. And it is great they are focusing on what his strenths are. One strategy you might want to try at home to help his comprehension is to read with him and after every few lines, paragraph or page (build up as he gets better) have him retell what he read in his own words. Have him create pictures or movies in his head of what he is reading and have him tell you about them as he reads.
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