Parenting after 35

Anyone not getting AF visits?

Has anyone not had a visit from AF (other than what seemed like one around 4 to 6 weeks pp)? Other than that and the loss I have not bled at all, not even before the "irish twin" conception. Think I should be concerned? I am not worried about being pg..more like menopausal. Before I got pg with Orchid I was beginning to head down that path(she really is a "change of life baby") and I wonder if my body is starting to pick up where it left off. I don't have the hot flashes and night sweats again, but..... the previous post about giving away all pregnancy related stuff got me thinking...I don't want any more right now..maybe not ever, but I want to have the option. Does that sound silly? Orchid is 7.5 months old and I do bf her still, but she eats two meals a day, takes one fbottle a day while I am in class and other than that she only nurses about 3x a day sometimes 4x. This doesn't seem like enough to keep AF away.

Re: Anyone not getting AF visits?

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    I haven't had AF at all since I had Sarah. I am a little worried and so is my dr. I am not BFing but I lost a lot of weight after having Sarah, I am under 100 lbs now and I am 5'6", so my dr thinks it might have to do with me being underweight. We want another baby fairly soon so we really need to have AF visit.
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    AF actually just visited me for the first time Saturday - so, 3 months post partum.  It's been fairly light, though.
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    I'm at 2 months, 3 weeks post partum and nothing yet.  I'm still EBF though. 
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    I haven't, but I EBF. I thought you did too. 3-4 times a day may be enough to trick your body. Maybe? Aren't you just 36? Age of menopause is highly genetic, so unless your mom hit menopause early I doubt you will.

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    No AF yet..... drums fingers on desk....but I do EBF so I'm not that surprised
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    You've been under a lot of stress, could that plus the BFing be a factor?
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    I'm FF'ing and no AF yet.  I only bled for like 8 days pp and have had nothing since. I'm not yet concerned.
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    It does not sounds silly.  I want more kids or not to be my (and DH's) choice, not mother nature's!

    I finally got AF about 6.5 months post partum. DD had started cereal and purees, but still mostly BF.  Do you still pump frequently in addition to the nursing sessions?

    Is it possible that the loss messed up your cycle?  Sorry to dredge up a sad subject, but I think you have mentioned previous losses - do you recall if AF was weird then?

    ETA: Just read that you are still shredding.  Maybe the exercise, lack of sleep, and stress are all contributing factors.

    DD1 is 3, DD2 is 1.
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    My mom and her 3 sisters all went through early menopause - actually her sister, Kandy, didn't ever have a period so I don't know what that would be called. They also had to have complete hysterectomies before 30 years old...I clearly am not in need of that, thank goodness. As a mom of many, I am always high stressed and sleep deprived, so nothing new there.  lol.  I used to work out a lot more than I am now, so I don't think that is it, but I am not a spring chick anymore, so perhaps that could be it.
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    No AF here yet. I bf and supplement as well. I didn't get af with Noah until around 11 months or so post partum. It took a month or so after that for me to get pg again with Finn.
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    No AF yet and I never EBF but pumped enough to keep the milk coming and supplemented w/ formula. But I stopped BF entirely about a month ago and still no signs of AF. Although I feel like my fluids down there are getting back to normal so maybe it will happen soon. We wanted to start trying for #2 in a few months so I hope my body will get back to normal. I'll be 40 this year but no one in my family has had early menopause, as far as I know.
    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
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