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just thinking of it is making me blush..
kevschickee2:oh we all know you are a dirty girl so don't try to lie
Who me,, Well I Never!! Walks away fanning herself in Scarlett O'Hare fashion
I obviously belong at the back of the slut cave, because I thought it was pretty tame.
this pic makes me smile
kevschickee2:this pic makes me smile
ye but it confuses me what is she levitating her body straight out in front of him.
summerbrideDC:don't! LOL It goes beyond "blush" and straight to "puke." Way TMI.
Really? I mean really?
r9stedt: I obviously belong at the back of the slut cave, because I thought it was pretty tame.
Me too. Muffins, R9?
summerbrideDC:is that just hand prints on the towel?
yup it is
Re: I am just a sweet inocent Southern Belle I can not read the BJ post
Who me,, Well I Never!! Walks away fanning herself in Scarlett O'Hare fashion
I obviously belong at the back of the slut cave, because I thought it was pretty tame.
this pic makes me smile
ye but it confuses me what is she levitating her body straight out in front of him.
Really? I mean really?
Me too. Muffins, R9?
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
yup it is