Parenting after 35

s/o 12-24 topic: Spanking (in schools)

Spanking was the hot topic this morning and the subject of spanking in schools came up.  I am not asking if anyone is for it, but since we are older I am wondering if spanking was allowed at your school.

I remember hearing about "the paddle" that was in the principal's office at my school. If you went to the office, you were paddled.  I never tested this because I was painfully shy and never got in trouble, but it was readily accepted as a form of punishment.  I don't know if this is because it was the mid 70's or it was because I lived in the South.  When we moved I went to Catholic school and I know they had spanking there.

I am a teacher now and can't imagine being given permission to spank my student(nor do I want it), but it was the norm when I was growing up.  My parents didn't spank, but my friends' parents did and I never thought twice about it.

Did your school have corporal punishment?

Re: s/o 12-24 topic: Spanking (in schools)

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    Not at the public or at the kids' daycare.  Don't know about some of the private schools.

    DD -- 5YO
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    Wow. No, I'm actually surprised people our age were spanked at school. I thought that was eliminated after my mom and dad's generation left school.


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    No corporal punishment at our school.  I can't imagine it was done anywhere in my area--even in the mid 1970s when I started school.

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    At Bear Creek Middle School in Keller TX corporal punishment was alive and well in the 1980s.  Ask me how I know. Embarrassed
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    I went to a private, non-sectarian school between 5th and 8th grades. The principle was a retired, old school army dude from Arkansas who was pretty seriously rebuked when he sent home permission slips to hit mis-behaving kids. My pseudo-hippie parents were mortified. So were most other parents.
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    I went to school in the Chicago area for most of my school years, up until sophmore year.  We had "swats" - I never got them, but my brother did.  My dad is a retired school teacher and he said back in the 60's the teachers could do the swatting and didn't even need permission (he was a high school football coach didn't want to get swatted by my dad...)
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    Not that I remember, but when I was in a real school it was in Marin County CA, they went more for talking than spanking. I was only in trouble once as I remember, and I cried my eyes out and protested my innocence for the rest of the period. I was a pretty light touch.
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    I can't remember but if it was I never did anything to deserve it.  Actually now that I think about it I think it was allowed in my school in AZ, hmmm.
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    I went to a private religious elementary school. I never got a spanking, but the teachers would take the students back into the store room and spank them. Later, I went to public schools. I don't think they could spank, but I am sure my parents would have whittled the switch for them if they did.
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    I'm pretty sure the principal at my elementary school in Orange County, CA could spank in the 70s/80s.  (I started kindergarten in 1979.)  At least that's what I heard.  The teachers could NOT spank you, they had to send you to the principal's office.
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    I went to public school in Detroit (K through 12th) and there was corporal punishment.  It was done by the teachers.  I remember all of them being able to do it, though I was rarely on the receiving end. I know it was done in elementary school, but I can't remember if it was done by middle and high school.  I was also spanked at home when I deserved it (like the time I got caught playing with matches).  Like Daisies' parents, my mom would have helped the teachers whittle a switch.  No permanent damage done.  I teach in Detroit now and we sometimes talk about how school was "back in the day" when we were coming up.
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    I went to a Baptist school in NE Pennsylvania in the late 70s/early 80s and the principal regularly using the paddle on kids.

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    yep. tiny public school in rural community, and yep i did get it once. my parents frequently whooped me, but what this teacher did to me had my mom go into the school and grab up the teacher. i honestly do not even remember what i did to get paddled but i was a hyper kid (what i wouldn't do for that energy nowadays!).
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    I went to Hillside Elementary in Pennsylvania, and I don't think they did spankings.  I moved to central Florida when I was 12, and I *think* spankings were okay there.  It was a conservative (in the sense of old school southern) atmosphere.
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    In Cary, NC in 1974 I remember spankings well. If you were misbehavin' you had to wait for your spankin' till the end of the (judgement) day, in front of everyone. I don't know what was worse, the spankin' or dreadin' the spankin' all day long. I threw sand on someone in the sandbox. Bad, Kari.
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    S. FL in the late 70's and 80's, it was more of the "ruler" type of spanking than the actual "hand" spanking.  Also I had a teacher who would "pinch" your cheeks if you talked too much during class, I think my cheeks still hurt to this day....
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    In my middle school in eastern Ohio they did have spanking.  I remember some of the "bad boys" getting called out into the hallway, then hearing the "swat" and they would come back into the room with tears in their eyes.  That was early 1981 or '82.
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