the episode I'm watching now is about a mom with PCOS who had to do lots of fertility treatments to get pg w/her twins. She was on hospital bedrest for 2 months and home bedrest for 1 month. She kept them in until 36 weeks.
I really hope I can keep mine in for a good long time, and that they're big and healthy...
Re: crying at A Baby Story
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
I almost ALWAYS cry during that darn show. I wish they'd do some updated ones with more modern people... it's so late 90's!
I have PCOS too and did lots of fertility treatments, so that one would have killed me.....
Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
i saw the tail end of that one...
I also have PCOS. I was on bedrest with my first pregnancy - because of PTL, high BP and kidney stones and had to be induced at 36w --- my twin pregnancy was easy and went to my scheduled c/s at 38w... it's so crazy how every pregnancy can be so different- even the opposite of what you think it will be (i never thought i'd make it to term with the twins b/c of PTL with a singleton!)
prayers that you all cook for a long time!!!
Ooh, that kind of story is inspirational. I hope my babies (or more like my cervix) get the hint and keep this up for a lot longer.
lnle, let's make a pregnancy pact of our own-- no multiples until at least March 1, and hopefully not March 15!
When I was on bedrest, I used to watch that show everyday and cry to the stories like that too. Its so emotional.