Parenting after 35

Can't catch a break here

Took DS back for his ear recheck.  He seemed fine but was getting congested again.  He was scratching by his ears but I figured that was his eczema (he gets patches there).  Nope -- ear infection is STILL there after 10 days of augmentin.  Pus in one ear and fluid in the other so not so great.  He's going on bactrum (DD has had great luck with that and most of her ear infections respond to that).  If his doesn't clear up in 10 days, the pedi ruefully suggested I just take him to the ENT with DD, that might as well if he is going to have that tendency too.  This crud has lasted about the whole month of January.  I'm really ready to be done with it!

DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO

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