Parenting after 35

lovely rainy day

Do you ever just love the rain? It is pouring buckets here in NJ & I hope LO wants to nap as much as I do today.
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Re: lovely rainy day

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    right there with ya~  (getting ready to put her down now)  -- just lost power! 
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    I wish I could nap... but I bundled the baby up, forced the dog out in the rain (he's afraid of it) and drove to the office.



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    I do love the rain.  But 1 week of hard rain is just too much.  Thank goodness its sunny today, bc its going to rain again for 2 more days.
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    I wish I could nap... but I bundled the baby up, forced the dog out in the rain (he's afraid of it) and drove to the office.


    Put your head down on the desk.

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    This is exactly how I feel!

    Man, Bringing H to daycare was NOT fun. The dayacre is like down a hill. It sucked pretty much!

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    I do love the rain. And I always hope M wants to nap as much as I do. Wink
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    Yes! It was like that here yesterday and last night.
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    When I can stay inside, snuggle, nap, watch movies, or read, sure.  When I have to get up, take DD to daycare and get to work, not so much.
    DD1 is 3, DD2 is 1.
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    I love the rain - there is something very soothing and hypnotic about it....very Zen...
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    Definitely love the rain when I don't have to go anywhere, and especially when I don't have to go to work.  Is it wrong that I was excited that I'd be on maternity leave during the rainy season so I could snuggle with my baby?  It has been raining pretty much every day for over a week and I have hardly left the house.  DH calls me a hermit, I call it fantastic!
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    I do love the rain.  But 1 week of hard rain is just too much.  Thank goodness its sunny today, bc its going to rain again for 2 more days.

    This.  Last week was just brutal here in So. Cal.  There was one evening last week where I picked Keira up, and we were driving home and the streets were flooded and I couldn't see more than a few feet past my car.  Not a good feeling.

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    as long as I'm not driving in it, I love it.

    My favorite is a thunder storm at the beach. Ahhhh, so relaxing.

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    I love it when it rains HARD, and I don't have to go anywhere.  I miss having big windows, I love sitting near a window and listening to the rain...
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    One thing I loved about living in FL is that every afternoon in the summer there would be a big thunderstorm. I looked forward to them.There are simply not enough storms in San Francisco.
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