R has totally been testing the limits and it's driving me nuts. Literally a few weeks ago it's like a switch went off and he is a totally different kid. It used to be that we'd offer him choices on the little things that didn't matter to us and he was happy with that. We only put him in time out for hitting or biting and he would hate it. Now when we offer him choices (do you want pankcakes or oatmeal for breakfast) he just screams "Noooo!" If we put him in timeout he just sits there happily singing.
This was a typical night and tell me what you would do? What tricks do you have up your sleeve?
Throws fork from dinner table. Sings very loudly at dinner. Says "I don't like it" to everything I make for dinner. For no reason throws every toy off of his shelf of toys. Refuses to get dressed for bed. Won't open his mouth to brush teeth. Hits dh and then after timeout comes in and tells me "I hit daddy" all excited. And remember he really doesn't care about sitting in timeout. What is his freakin deal?
Re: Terrible 2-3 WWYD?
Good point. Last night was really bad and I'm sure it had something to do with our weekend. We went to Disney and he didn't get his usual amount of sleep. But on a regular night he might do 3 out of the 5 things I mentioned.
Has anyone read any good books on kids and discipline that they found helpful? We read Parenting with Love and Logic but obviously the choices thing they talk about isn't working.
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
I don't agree with this at all. It sounds like normal 2-3 year old behavior. He is testing your limits and trying to achieve a little independence. I wouldn't let him get a reaction out of you, which is what it sounds like he is trying to do. Maybe instead of timeout, you can try taking away a favorite toy or certain priviledges. For example, when he dumped all his toys of his shelves, I would say, "Oh, too bad! I tlooks like you don't want your toys anymore. Mommy will put them away until you can show her that you can play nice with them", or something along those lines.
As for books, what about Playful Parenting?
Ditto the taking toys away. I do this with DS sometimes when nothing else works. He freaks out when I take it and I let him have his temper tantrum about it while I put it up. It seems to work. GL!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07