
PIP Baby Zane

Thanks again everyone. I'm glad to have happy news to share.

I hope it helps moms with IUGR know that the odds aren't always as bad as they say.

They even told me that he could have Downs Syndrome or another chromosomal issue. They did say that the odds were probably against it but since they couldn't tell by u/s the problem, they wanted us ready for anything.

We were facing scary, sad odds and are so happy he's here.

And of course, he's so darn cute I had to share...even if there the obligatory "yikes" picture of Mommy post-partum. That was the first time I held him and it was 4 hours after my C-section. But you can see how small he is with my hand next to his little head. :)

 I get to home tomorrow! I was almost discharged today which is super fast considering I just had the C on Friday! Not only that, with the issues he was supposed to have we originally thought I'd be going home soon.

Well my blood pressures have been sort of crazy--up and down since delivery. Most of the time they sky rocket when my meds wear off but they still want to keep an eye on them so tomorrow's the big day.







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