Thought I'd ask this over here and add a question not on my IF post. Do you think it added to your success? Besides endo/pain, the RE's doing it to "throw the kitchen sink" at my FET since it's lastly our last shot. The hope is that if the Beta Integrin 3 theory is true, it will add some "glue" to my lining (which has been craptastically thin lately.)
How long were you on it?
How long for your cycle to regulate after ?
What were your side effects?
Did you get AF on it?
Was it worth it? Did it help with your endo pain? If so, for how long?
I'm doing one 3 month treatment before our FET this summer (on the off chance that it will help our odds in that) and am nervous about the side effects.
Re: Lupron Depot question
I can really say with confidence that the only reason I am pregnant today is because of Depot Lupron. I do not have endo, but I did the beta integrin test and did not pass. There is an 80% correlation between endo patients and failing the integrin test - I was just in the lucky 20%. I did not have the "glue" that I needed to implant a baby.
As for your questions, I was on it for 2 months - one injection at the end of May and one at the end of June.
In mid-July, my RE put me on 2 weeks of bcp's, so I would get AF on day 31 after my 2nd injection. They wanted to do this, so I could have my FET right away - we wanted the maximum sticky stuff possible for it. So, I did one injection end of May, one injection end of June, started 2 weeks of bcp's in mid-July, got AF on July 30, had my FET on Aug. 17 and got my BFP on Aug. 26.
I am not going to lie - the side effects sucked! It looks like you will be in my boat - doing it during the summer. It was worse then. The major side effect were hot flashes - boy, were they awful. The first week was fine, the next 2 weeks were miserable - hot flashes many times per hour, and then the last week things got better as the DL started to wear off. I also had a headache pretty much everyday. It wasn't an awful headache, but it was always there. I would sign up again to do it in a heartbeat though. As a matter of fact, we will do DL before each of our FET's in the future too.
I didn't get AF on it. The first month I had a little spotting about a week in for a couple days, but they say that is pretty normal.
YES - it was definitely worth it to me! I am not sure on the endo pain because I don't have endo, but the result was more than worth it.
Good luck with your cycle and DL! Please feel free to page me if you have other questions. This was definitely the key to our success.
I was just on it for 6 months. I did not take it for getting pregnant but I had a lap done back in June for severe pelvic pain and they found wide spread endo. They removed as much of the endo. as possible, but because there was some still left attached the the back of my uterus and on my bladder that they could not burn off because it would damage my uterer (sp?), and would cause me not to be able to pee. So they put me on the Lupron Depot for 6 months in the hopes it would clear off any remaining endo.
It got rid of my pain completely once I got the second month shot. I also had a lot of pain during intercourse due to the endo. and this went away as well. So I do believe it will help a lot if you are having endo. pain. But like PP said the side effects can be difficult. The worse side effect for me was the hot flashes. I would be fine one second and the next it was like someone turned an oven on inside of my back. It always hits me high up on my back. And the worse part for my flashes were I did not sweat to cool myself down. My face would turn bright red and I just had to remove what ever clothing I could at the time. I also had issues (and still do) with insomnia, but that did not start until I had been on it for 4 months, so if you are only doing it a couple of months it might not do that to you. Lastly, you will have no desire for sex while on this. I mean none, my poor DH, I swear he got some about 4 times in the past 9 months because I was in so much pain prior to the lap. and then once I started the Lupron I wanted nothing to do with sex.
I didn't get a period at all on it, not even spotting. I am now about 3 weeks out from when I was due for a shot (being 7 weeks from the last shot) and I haven't had a period yet or spotting or even cramping. Since I was on it for so long I don't expect to get a period for probably at least another month or so.
And ...yes, it was worth it. I did ivf 3 times, first two were bfn's. the third cycle was the only cycle where i had taken LD before it, and got my first ever bfp. though my re does not believe in the beta 3 integrin, i consulted with him and my gyn. I needed a break after ivf 2 and i figured while i was on a break i could treat my endo, and perhaps give myself better odds before cycling again. i think one of the tricks of the trade is to go into a cycle right away, don't wait a few months after LD until you do your FET. I had my last LD shot on Feb 11 and started my cycle on March 19th, retrieval was the 31st, transfer was april 3rd. bfp on april 14.
I know of at least 3 other women on this board who found success with iui and ivf after LD!
gl to you