
I thank you Nesties!

I can be very narrow minded --- even if I try not to be. 

But this place is a wealth of knowledge and insight and 90% of the time, allows me to see things from a different perspective.

This whole FB status thing --- if my mom had posted that yesterday (or even before I saw the post about it on here), I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought.  I might have even "liked" her status. 

But because of the discussion here, I know that it's so freaking narrow minded and ....well....disgusting. 

So now I can pass that on to my mom (who will, for sure, be offended and hurt that I even said anything)!  ;) 

Re: I thank you Nesties!

  • You know what I love about you, Jodi?  You are NOT narrow-minded.  You may have conservative opinions or knee-jerk reactions to certain things, but you always listen thoughtfully to other perspectives, whether about you and your personal decisions/dilemmas or politics or whatever.  That is a really rare thing--something I don't do enough of--and I admire you for that!
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  • Awe thanks Cubby!  I think knee-jerk reaction will be on my tombstone!!  ;)  Seriously, I'm the QUEEN of speaking before thinking.  I think the only reason I still have friends is 1. they are forgiving and 2. I will usually hear someone out.  It's just after I've said something stupid and embarrassing!  HA!
  • You may speak before you think (and I can relate because I am so like that- I think I'm getting better at holding my tongue as I get older, but it's a slow process), but you are VERY willing and able to hear other perspectives and acknowledge when others have valid points.

    It's a great quality, IMO.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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