
Everyone is this house is on my.last.damn.nerve

DD is in bed singing.  Has been for 20 minutes.  She is supposed to be taking a nap.  She usually naps for 2+ hours with no issue.  She picks the one day that I really need her to take one to revolt.  We have some place to go after nap and she will have major meltdowns with no nap.  Ugh.

 Then, DH is in there chopping on some damn pickle, watching a movie on TV.  Um, what happened to that you would help me today?  He was supposed to get the laundry started while I was out running errands this morning.  He played with DD (fine) but they happened to play the Wii and watch cartoons.  Why the fu** can't men multi task?

Oh, and I still feel like crap.  Probably why all of this is driving me nuts.  My eardrum did not rupture last night but it still hurts like he**.  Now my stomach is upset from the antibiotics.  I feel like every time I pass gas I am going to sh*t myself!!  Sorry if TMI.

No flames please.  I know I sound like a whiny brat.  I just needed to vent.  I just wish for once someone else would take care of worrying about DD and the house and someone would take care of me.

Re: Everyone is this house is on my.last.damn.nerve

  • crap I forgot about my laundry
  • imagesarahjared:

    No flames please.  I know I sound like a whiny brat.  I just needed to vent.  I just wish for once someone else would take care of worrying about DD and the house and someone would take care of me.

    I completely know how you feel in this. DH was supposed to get up early with DS this am, and he decided he was "too tired." So instead, I got up as I ALWAYS do. I'm on vacation from work and have been with DS 24/7 for the last week! DS wanted DH for something and he just kept ignoring him calling "daddy" because he knew I'd eventually take care of it. I'm tired of always being the one to do everything for/with DS!

    Ugh, sorry to complain too, just know that you're not alone. Sad

    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
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