
It's nice to know I'm not the only one with an azzhat DH today.

Apparently everything I say is in a snippy tone according to him.

Last week he wanted to take down our dining room table because we don't use it and we have barely any room.  This way the kids have a place to play.  I was fine with it but asked if we could keep it up til after the kids b-day parties which would be almost the end of March.

He said "No one really sits here."  WTF-we have no room!  So he ended up taking it down.

Today he tells me he's going to K-mart to buy a card table and chairs so people could sit at the party.  We are struggling financially since I got laid off and am still looking for work.  I said simply, "Should we put the table back until after March?"  He just flips out about how I have to question him constantly about his decisions and he makes the money and I have to be a snippy ***.

And then goes up to bed because he got up at 8:00 instead of getting to sleep in on his days off.   I never get to sleep in because "He works."

Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In

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