We need to discuss what hours I'm going to work at my new job...everytime I bring it up, he blows me off with a "yeah, we just need to figure out how many hours you need to work. We will talk about it later." WELL COME ON! I KEEP BRINGING IT UP AND HE KEEPS SAYING LATER! I need to let them know by tomorrow. At this point, I'm done bringing it up and will just pick what hours I want to work, and he can deal with it.
He is acting all grumpy about EVERYTHING. I don't know what his problem is. I can't even say anything without him being grumpy about it. I was the one to get up with the kids, he got to sleep in, so I don't understand what his problem is.
He has undermined my parenting about 3 times today, so I'm about to throw my hands in the air and let the kids run wild.
Time #1---Mitch was playing with one of Audrey's toys. I thought our policy was whoever is playing with it get it and even if it is Audrey's toy, she needs to wait until Mitch is done..we share all the toys here..So I told Audrey that. DH swoops in. "BUT This is HER toy!" Ohhh kay. Guess the policy changed today.
Time #2---I send Taylor to her room for back talking to me...and he tells her "Come here..." tries to discipline her by making her apologize but she didn't have to go to her room. not a minute later she was sassing at me again.
Time #3--we are getting ready to go outside. Taylor back talks again. I tell her she doesn't get to come outside right now. DH again makes her just apologize (meaningless, really) and she is going outside.
This just annoys me because I don't step on his toes when he's disciplining...I let him handle it. WHY does he feel the need to butt in when I'm handling the situation? Back me up, fine..but change what I'm saying and do it your own way? NOT FINE.
So I'm letting DH take them outside.....but I want to be outside too because this is the first sunlight we've seen in WEEKS....booooo!
Re: i could kill my DH today. He is annoying the p!ss out of me.
Boo to DH! Tell him you're leaving and go do some solo shopping.
I hate when they do that! I take my kids to church on Sunday by myself and have no problem. Today DH decides to come. My 2 year old acts up a bit and he makes it worse. And instead of doing what I would do (we sit in the back vestibule where there is no people but can see the priest and church) is taking her to the back part of church and talking to her, he lifts her up by her arms to his face and uses a mean voice to speak to her.
Which makes her cry much harder and louder and of course everyone turns around to see.
I told him that I thought that it was wrong and of course I'm the bad guy telling him how to discipline his child. Usually I don't step in but come in, I thought it was intimidating and out of place for where we were.
I guess it is *** DH day.
Go out for a coffee at a book store.
While there, write down what hours you are going to work and when you get home, present them to DH.
Time out by yourself to cool down AND to figure out your hours. Bonus, bonus!
That was my H yesterday. Telling me how to run my business, not following through with established rules, just being grumpy in general. There must be something in the air!
Hope your day gets better! And good luck with choosing your hours.
Sorry I posted my stuff in a post after I read Jodi's don't do that post.
I think you should go out and get a break and come back refreshed and just hand him the hours and that's that. You gave him mutiple chances and he ignored you now he has to deal with it.
KKB -- HA! I'm not the rule maker. And it was a similar situation -- not trying to make a point about something that happened in the past (holy crap --- there ARE a lot of rules for this place huh!?)
At any rate, I hope my "rule" didn't make you feel bad.
KKB---your story actually was nice to hear--kind of like "thank goodness I'm not the only one!" So I don't mind at all!!!!!
I think the posts Jodi are referring to are more along the lines of "I got flamed for that, how come you aren't getting flamed for it today." Its nest politics.