
getting nervous abt converting DD crib to daybed

We planned to do it the morning of her 3rd bday next Sat and surprise her during her bday party showing her and her GP's. She already saw the bedrail in the box and is excited. I already told everyone to NOT talk about needing to stay in her bed, you can't leave your room, etc, as to not put ideas in her head, but I am getting scared that putting her down will be a nightmare and I'll be tempted to convert it back which will surely not make her feel good. She's a great sleeper but getting her in her crib is sometimes me scooping her up and plopping her in there and if she can get out, she prob will, right?!

Re: getting nervous abt converting DD crib to daybed

  • We talked about him going into the big bed for a long time because we were redoing his room (so obviously he knew something was going on).  He kept saying he wouldn't sleep in there.  lol  When it finally came time...the big bed was up, etc. we partially dismantled the daybed and had new sheets and comforter on the big was no big deal.  We had "special" books that we read (new ones and one that I only read like one chapter a night).  We did have to move his lamp away from the bed (not on the nightstand) because he would keep turning it on and we were afraid he might actually knock it down.  It now sits on the dresser.  lol

  • We just converted DS's crib, and he is 3.5 years old. I put him to bed asleep already. Now as soon as he wakes up he gets out of bed and comes in my room to find me. It's earlier than it used to be, that's for sure.

    My 2-yr-old DD will be in her crib for a while. There's no way she will stay in it if she has the opp to get out.

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  • We converted DS1 at 18 mos (a month before DD arrived) and never had any issues getting out of bed.  We converted DD1 at 23 mos (she was climbing out). She got out repeatedly for about a week, both nap/nighttime, but I just kept putting her right back.  I didn't scold her, just told her that she had a big girl bed and she needed to stay in there, got her whatever animals/blankets she wanted, and left.  Just over and over for a few nights.  Now we have no issues now. 


  • You're going to need to tell her she needs to stay in her bed. When you do convert it, the getting out will be short lived. We had to convert DS's crib shortly after he turned two because he was nose diving out of his crib. When we converted it, we just put him in as usual and left. He immediately got out and would repeatedly get out the first couple of nights. We just did the supernanny thing and the first time out of bed we said, "it's bedtime honey," and put him back in bed, second time up we said "bedtime" and put him back. Any time after that, we said nothing and just put him back in bed. He figured it out pretty quickly that we weren't messing around. Sometimes if you keep talking to them, they keep getting out to get the attention.
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
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