We have a set back.
Andrew is on EPO for his low HCT. His last dose is on Wednesday and it was looking like he might get to come home next weekend. But today while I was changing his diaper I noticed blood in his stool. With an already low HCT this is a huge set back. They are checking blood looking for infection and took him off breast milk and moved him to Nutrimagin just incase it's a protein allergy.'
It looks like it's gonna earn us another week at least in NICU. That part doesn't bother me but I am so upset by him coming off of BM. Hopefully he can go back on it in a day or two, but I'm crushed that my milk might be making him sick. Today when he had his first formula feeding I wanted no part of it. DH had to nipple him and hold him while he was gavaged what he wouldn't nipple. It just makes me sad that the only think I alone could do for my baby is gone. Even if it is only for a short time.
Has anyone else had any experience with a protein allergy?
Re: Just when I think Andrew might get to go home...