I know there are plenty of SGF ladies on this board - I have a question. AF arrived today (BOO) so I want to set up a day 3 appt for Monday. It's Saturday - I just called my nurse and the main line and left messages but I get the feeling they may not call back before Monday. How is it supposed to work when a cycle starts on a weekend? How are you supposed to make the day 3 appt? I'd like to do it before work Monday.
For those who are interested, This was a "old fashioned" cycle since we were on vacation for 10 days - couldn't do an IUI. Very bummed to get a BFN and then my least favorite monthly visitor. On to IUI #2 this cycle.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Shady Grove Fertility question
I would be surprised if you do not get a call back tomorrow. Since they are there early in the AM they may not have gotten to call you back before they left today. They will be in the office in the morning tomorrow so they'll probably call you then. If not, I would call first thing Monday (like 6:30 am) and see if they can squeeze you in.
Good luck!
sjuncfan - Good to see you again:) I hope your vacation was nice and relaxing!
Shady Grove told me that if day 3 falls on a Monday, to just leave a message w/your nurse and say what time your are coming in on Monday. They won't have time to call back before then.
Sending you lots of luck this cycle!!