I have a 14 month old and have been trying to have another baby since August, although I havn't ovulated yet. I am wondering what signs you had of fertility returning before your first pp period. I used TCOYF the first time around and I had a classic signs and cycle, but now it is so hard for me just waiting for fertility to return. Also, if you were breastfeeding, were you night nursing? How often during the day? Thanks!! No information is too much!!
Re: Getting pg second time around
i got my period at 6 mo pp, so I knew I was o'ing. I also could see some signs. But my cycles were irregular. I got pg while Bfing, and I was still nursing maybe 5 times a day. he was 10 months when I found out I was pg.
My friend didnt get her period for 13 months, she just got it after cutting back to nursing once a day--mornings only.
For me weaning = ovulating.
Wasn't gonna happen until I stopped nursing.
GL to you!
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
My PG were all a surprise. I was BFing, and at that point (9-10 months), I was BFing around 5-6 times per day. My PP AF came back at 6.5 months PP and was completely regular.
We have been trying since Sept. The first cycle after AF returned. Nothing yet. I wanted to chart, but due to irregular sleep patterns I cant. I thought it would be easy 2nd time around, but its taking a little longer than expected. Good Luck. Hope AF shows up soon for you (that sounds weird, doesnt it?)