
Why is it bad to let your DC watch TV??

My SIL pretty much scolded me because I was talking about how DS likes the show Martha Speaks.  She said her DC (3 year old) never watches TV...EVER.  He has never seen a movie, either.  I find this a little overkill.  What is wrong with letting your DC watch TV?  We have our TV on almost all day...mostly the news, but we put some PBS shows on for DS, too.

Re: Why is it bad to let your DC watch TV??

  • it turns their brains to MUSH!!! MUSH, I tell you!!! 

    ::typed as my child sits, slack-jawed in front of Noggin with a plate full of chicken nuggets:: 


  • ditto sbdc only she's watching the movie cars lol
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
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  • Your sil sounds like a peach. 

    Even childhood development experts agree that a little quality television is fine for kids over the age of 2.  They recommend limiting it to an hour or two a day so that the kids have time to develop other interests as well as to get enough exercise.  There have been studies that suggest tv can contribute to obesity, attention issues, etc.

    ETA: My kids are playing the Wii right now which is probably far far worse for brains. 

  • *twitch* what do you *twitch* mean, too much TV??  *twitch*  I watched *twitch* all the time as a *twitch* kid, I'm fine!!  *twitch*

  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    it turns their brains to MUSH!!! MUSH, I tell you!!! 

    ::typed as my child sits, slack-jawed in front of Noggin with a plate full of chicken nuggets:: 


    Puh-lease tell me this is free-range, organic chicken nuggets in a whole wheat breading that you personally made by baking... Wink

  • I have friends like this.  I grew up like this.  We did not have a TV in one house and did not have cable in the other.  To each their own.  I love TV and have it on most of the time.  DD is only interested in the shows she likes.  I  mostly watch Food Network and Home and garden, so not a lot of offensive material to rub off on DD. 

    I think there is a healthy balance.  We were out today from 10:30 until 4 and have people coming for dinner at 5, so I am letting her watch Toddlers and Tieras to chillax to in between. 

  • imageKoriBrett:

    *twitch* what do you *twitch* mean, too much TV??  *twitch*  I watched *twitch* all the time as a *twitch* kid, I'm fine!!  *twitch*

    LOL...I for real LOL'ed, Kori!

  • I can't lie, our tv is on all day long and my DD watches cartoons all day long.  I like tv, she still does other things.  I grew up having a tv in my room and I still spent more time outside with my friends than I did watching it.  I don't think it's so bad, however I have to stop letting her watch at dinner time.
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  • My daughter LOVES TV. Loves it. We're a pop-culture worshipping, media orientated household.

    She's about a year ahead verbally (per the doc), so I don't think TV is turning her brain to mush. Quite the contrary.

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