Two Under 2

Gift from baby to #1

I've heard that when your first child sees the baby for the first time that you should have a gift for him/her "from the baby."

Did any of you do this, and what did you get?

Also, any other tips on helping #1 (mine will be 20 months) adjust to their sibling?

Re: Gift from baby to #1

  • I've heard the same thing and we're planning on doing this. Not sure what we'll do yet - I'm planning on waiting until closer to delivery to decide since I want to know what he's interested in then. At the moment it is robots but I'm sure that will change by June!

    eta: as for adjusting before the baby we talk about it a lot with him now that we're further along. He cuddles his sister by asking me to "open my belly" ie: pull up my shirt, and then kissing it or laying his head down on it. And he now asks when she's coming out of there... so he clearly gets at least some degree of what is going on. Whenever we see another baby we talk to him about how he will have one soon and his sister will be that small. That said, he is over 2 and it is much easier to explain things to him these days. 

  • I had a doll, C was 18m old. She did not have a clue.

    If she was 2.5 or older I would do this though.

    At 20m let her see the baby, hold the baby (I sat C on my lap and she held the baby), never discourage this. If #1 wants face time with baby let her.

    Tend to #1s needs first, she will remember the most and does not understand.

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  • i bought a little medical kit. it  says 3 and older but it looks like it's because of the pretend stethescope.  I got it because dd likes to pretend and it might be good to get her used to and better at doc appts since she'll most likely be going along to most of her little bro/sis appts.  She is 20 months today.

  • imageJARbaby:

    I had a doll, C was 18m old. She did not have a clue.

    If she was 2.5 or older I would do this though.

    At 20m let her see the baby, hold the baby (I sat C on my lap and she held the baby), never discourage this. If #1 wants face time with baby let her.

    Tend to #1s needs first, she will remember the most and does not understand.


    Yeah, my daughter doesn't have a clue either. We talk about babies all the time and she loves them. She has her baby dolls that she kisses and hugs and rocks (so cute!). But yes, I will definitely remember to always let her be part of what the baby does. I've read that making sure they get to help out is a big key, too.

  • MIne are 15 months apart and DD had no clue so we didn't bother. We tried doing the "baby in Mommy's belly" but after baby arrived DD kept trying to kiss my belly for over a month so obviously she didn't "get it"

    We didn't buy her a special baby prior to the birth but we emphasized on "gentle" A LOT. We also pulled out all the baby gear early so she got used to is and knew they weren't her toys.

    We try to tend toddler needs first as she is the one who can feel "left out" and we involve her in everything baby related if she is interested.


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