what time is naptime and for how long? When do they go to bed?
DS seems to not be tired at all when we put him down at 8 which means it's taking him an hour sometimes longer to fall asleep. He was sleeping from 8p (8:3-ish) to 8a then napping from 2-4, but here lately its 9p before falling asleep then waking around 7ish. I think it's time to tweek his schedule a bit. I'm thinking 1:30 nap waking him no later then 3:00 then maybe by 8 he will be ready for bed???
Re: If your 3 y/o still naps....
1-3 or 4 (or somewhere in between)
wake up- 7ish
nap 3-5 ish
bed 9-9:30.
Up at 7:30
Nap has been shifting from 11-1 to about 12-2 over the last couple of weeks.
Bed at 8:00
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
during the week when he's at the sitters, nap time is 1-2:30 (he wakes when he hears the other kids waking) bedtime is 8 and I have to wake him at 6 to go to the sitters
on the weekends nap time is 1- 3 or 4 and bedtime usually ends up being 8-8:30 and he waks up at 7-7:30 in the morning
Wake 6:30-7am
Nap 12:30-2:30 or longer, but no later than 4:30pm
Bed 7:30 (usually asleep by 8)
He gets up at 7:00am
Naps between 12:00 - 3:00 (some days it's less time, but normally around 2.5 hours)
Goes to bed at 8:00pm
Ugh! I'm so jealous of some of you!
DD wakes up between 5:30-6:30am. She will nap at 12, but I won't let her sleep past 2. Even then, she goes in her room at 8pm and doesn't actually fall asleep until around 9ish.