wow. i always knew that 7 weeks and 1 day was a long time when you're talking preemie, but until today, i didn't realize exactly how long it really is. when i think back to how long ago ryan's actual birthday was, i have a whole new perspective.
my baby boy is giant (over 24lbs and 32in). monday i had 2 people ask how old he was and repond that he is a big boy when i said 13 months. he has a smile like nothing i've ever seen and a laugh that is the sweetest sound i've ever heard. and he can say mommy, daddy, puppy, hi, bye, yeah, uh-oh, juice, d (for milk), cheese, hat, and as of this morning, says "toodle" in the cutest possible way when mickey mouse needs help getting toodles to bring the mouseketools.
oh how far we've come.
Re: AW: Ryan's 1 year adjusted!
Love, love love this.
I love hearing how far these little guys go! Good job Ryan!!
ditto, very inspirational.