I know you live near me and I'm not sure where you are delivering but regardless of where you deliver you can take the HBOTB class at any of the Main Line Health Hospitals - I took it at Lank. I cannot rave enough about the class. The fee pays fo the class, the swaddling blanket, the DVD and a CD and I'd recommend taking it around 32 weeks or so.
I have no book recommendations for this either, but I will say: read any books you get BEFORE babe arrives. You will not have the time/energy to read them after! lol
promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
I took that around 28 weeks only because that is when DH could go. He was bored to tears (he said everything they talked about he learned the first day of med school) but he endured it! I ended up having a C/S so I never put any of the advice to work, but it was helpful to know to expect a roomful of people in the operating room and have a general idea of where to go once I got there. I think you could take that any time. I just recommend taking the other one closer to delivery because when you are sleep deprived with a newborn you'll only remember 1/2 the class. If you took it 6 months prior you probably won't remember a thing!
Re: How about books for after the baby arrives?
Happiest Baby on the Block
I know you live near me and I'm not sure where you are delivering but regardless of where you deliver you can take the HBOTB class at any of the Main Line Health Hospitals - I took it at Lank. I cannot rave enough about the class. The fee pays fo the class, the swaddling blanket, the DVD and a CD and I'd recommend taking it around 32 weeks or so.
J2 11.17.08
I have no book recommendations for this either, but I will say: read any books you get BEFORE babe arrives. You will not have the time/energy to read them after! lol
Awesome! I will actually be delivering at Lankaneau!
J2 11.17.08