
anyone use the infant insert with the Ergo carrier?

I have the Ergo carrier...bought it when ds was around 1 and constantly wanted to be held.  Loved this carrier and the hip position.  Now, with #2 on the way, I'm wondering how this carrier performs with the infant insert?  obviously it would be more economical to buy the insert than to buy a Moby, or other infant sling.....just wondering if it will be as easy and versatile.  thanks for your opinions!

Re: anyone use the infant insert with the Ergo carrier?

  • I just used a blanket when DS was small.  The insert really isn't much.  After about 2 months, DS just wanted to be in it balled up, sitting up, and facing out (which it clearly said not to do, but I did anyway because it worked fine.)  I also have a pouch sling.  Super easy to make if you know anyone who can sew.  I use it more than my ergo and DS is 10 months. 
  • i bought one and never used it.  i already had a sling and that seemed much better when ds2 was really little (i,like you bought my ergo when ds1 was already older).  the kid sits with legs to one side with ergo insert
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  • I LOVE the Ergo but I didn't like the infant insert.  DS never felt secure or comfortable.  I have a few friends who felt the same way.  I ended up buying a Moby which I used for about 6 months before transitioning to the Ergo.
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