Two Under 2

Does anyone know who makes this model of double stroller

I saw it yesterday and even had a mini-conversation with the mom about it and took note of the name brand, and my pregnancy brain has erased it:

It's like a double-decker stroller with the older child on top and the infant in a little basket underneath (can lie flat).? DH thinks it might be a good idea, even though DD walks a lot.? She's bound to get tired and I am bound to want to get out of the house with both babies (well, DD isn't really a baby anymore) when the weather is nice.??

Anyway, if you know the name, please share, and if you have one, tell me alllll about it!

Re: Does anyone know who makes this model of double stroller

  • That sounds like a Phil and Teds with a doubles kit on it to me... If you have an infant you'd recline the main seat all the way and add essentially a "jump seat" to the top of it for a toddler to sit in. Then when the newborn is older you move the jump seat to the back and the older child sits in the main seat and the younger child sits down below.
  • imagehamilton.ja:
    That sounds like a Phil and Teds with a doubles kit on it to me... If you have an infant you'd recline the main seat all the way and add essentially a "jump seat" to the top of it for a toddler to sit in. Then when the newborn is older you move the jump seat to the back and the older child sits in the main seat and the younger child sits down below.

    Ding ding ding!? That's the one!? I knew it was a something and somethings but I was drawing a complete blank. Thanks for the explanation.? Now off to google!? Thanks a bunch!?
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  • It is not advertised but you can also use it with the carseat up front and the jump seat in the back.

    It really is fantastic. I have been using mine for 18 months if you have any question.

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