We have a lot of options where I am for pre-k. A LOT of church run programs, the YMCA, daycare options, public pre-k ... My DS #2 turns 3 in October and I haven't even begun the process. I'm pretty sure we're going to place him in the program at my high school. He'll be in pre-k for 3 years. I am amazed at what some of you have to go through to get your child a spot in a program and Belle4 does it anger you that some of the programs gave you a hard time because you have 3? Amazing.
Re: Is pre-k difficult to get in to in your area?
Yes it did anger me. I was irate I even called the state office who according to their website would help you if you had issues, the only help got was being told again to wait overnight in a business parking lot.
My children had gone to three years of a church run program, that is hard to get into but since we go to church there we got to register prior to the general public. They went there for three years and I was ready for a longer day for them. The Georgia Pre K option that I wanted them to be a part of but after the responses we decided to go with kindergarten since they met the cut off with the thought that if they had to repeat or go to transition which is a tad harder than K but not as hard as first grade..
You can get into a public pre-K program for your 4yo but you aren't guaranteed anything that is nearby or of good quality.
Private preschool is like applying for college. Essays and interviews and all.
You can get in pre-k here, but if you want the programs that are better, you have to be very diligent and proactive and drop some cash.
What Belle4K is talking about is not uncommon here. She could find a school that would take them, but it would probably not be her 1st choice.
GA provides free pre-k, which few states do. It is 32.5 hours a week, so a much cheaper substitute for daycare, which makes it very popular. 50% of kids in GA attend it. The way it is administered is horrendous. It is provided by private providers and some elementary schools. Most kids in accredited daycare automatically get a spot, but if you don't have your child in daycare, you have to do the dance.
I was angry just reading that!
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
No, there are plenty of places here..... my kid is in public school pre-K. Town next door which has excellent school system (not the case here, but we're hoping to move soon), has pre-K by lottery..... if you don't get in, you don't get in.
you know I am in Georgia as well...
it is horrid.. when dh called he was told that if he made a donation to the center we would have a better chance.. Nice right..
No big deal they were ready any way for K.. and are doing great.