
Bed time poll..

What is your childs age and what is their bedtime


I am thinking we put the kids to bed way too early. they go down at seven still and will be six at the end of March. I want to move it to 7:30 or 8:00 after all they never go to sleep till that time anyway as we let them have some down time in their rooms before we put them in bed.. I just think that is not right for them and that we should not make them go to their room till they are going to bed, if they want to play up there that is fine but dh says NO they are in their rooms at seven regardless.. he is a hard ass

Re: Bed time poll..

  • DS is 3 and he goes down anywhere between 7-7:45pm. When DH is out of town, it's closer to 7pm, haha. He does not nap.
  • Noah is 3.  He still naps usually at least 2 hours a day.  He goes to bed around 8.
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  • My son is 3 1/2 and he is in bed at 8:00 most nights.  He doesnt nap so he usually goes to sleep right away.  Some nights (like last night) he goes down at like 730 due to him being grumpy.  On the rare occasion that he does nap, he will be up much later.
  • age 2 and 4  8pm

    2.5 wks  I try to get him down at 730 but it doesn't always work for me 

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  • DD is almost 3 and gets into bed around 8:45, we read some books and she is asleep around 9:15.

    She wakes up at 7 am on week days and around 8 on weekends.  1.5 hr nap at daycare, Seems to have given up naps on the weekends lately.

  • She goes to bed at 8.  We start the routine at 7:30...jammies on, reading a few books while she having a sippy of milk, brush teeth, go potty and into bed.

    Her bedroom is for sleep mainly.  She rarely ever plays in there....her choice not mine.

    edit: I forgot to add she's 3 and she's had the same routine for a little over a year.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • S is 3 and goes down between 9-9:30.  It's late but if she didn't go down that late she wouldn't see DH during the week.  she also sleeps in until 8:30-9ish.   ;)

    she also takes a 1.5 - 2 hour nap.  

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Dd just turned 4 and goes at 6:30 but she gets up at 6 so she needs it.  She also doesn't nap or rest at all,lol.  I think over the summer I might bump it up to 6:45.  But dd does go right to sleep so I think it is a good time for her.   When it seems hard for her to sleep, I'll move the time a bit. 
  • 3.5 y/o and goes to bed around 7pm.  We are having a whole new set of bedtime issues right now and we're going to experiment w/ a 7:30 bedtime tonight to see if that might be the issue.  
  • He is 3. Still naps and goes to bed at 8:00 (wakes up at 7:00)
  • My oldest DD is the exact same age as your kids (6 end of March) and she goes to bed at 7:45-8, but she goes strait to sleep. And if she gets in bed ANY later than that, she is sooo tired the next day. But if I put her down any earlier than say, 7:30, she is up at the crack of dawn.

    If it's a particularly busy day, she'll ask to go to bed early or whenever she's ready. I've tried to keep her up late on the weekends in hopes of her sleeping later, she won't do it. She tells me she's tired and going to bed, lol.

    The twins (just turned 3 Monday) go to bed when she does, but they tend to stay awake a little later, DS much later. But they still nap at least 2 hrs during the day.

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  • It depends on what time they are getting up in the morning.

    Jakon is 7 and has an 8:00 bedtime, he wakes up at 6:30 am.

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  • Dd is almost 2 and ds is 5. They both usually go to bed anywhere in between 9-10pm, give or take. We've never really needed to have a set bedtime and it's easier for our schedules to keep things really loose and flexible.

    I couldn't do an earlier bedtime even if we wanted- we work odd hours and it's generally somewhere in between 7-8pm before we're even able to eat dinner.  If they went to bed earlier my dh would hardly get to see them at all during the week. It's more important that we have family time than it is that they go to bed early, at least at this point in our lives.

  • My 6 y/o goes to bed at 7:30.  My 3 y/o is in bed at 7 and my 9 y/o is in bed at 8.  They all wake up at 7 am.

  • DD is 3 and she goes to bed between 7-8.
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  • DD is 3.5 years and goes to bed between 9:30-10pm. She gets up usually around 7:30-8am if we don't wake her. This is going to have to change when she starts 4K in the fall. I think 8:30-9pm would work best for us. Anything earlier than 8:30, and we barely have time for dinner and a bath before bed.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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  • DS is 3 and he goes to bed at 8.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
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  • DS is 3 and when he naps, he goes to bed between 8 and 8:30pm. When he doesn't nap, it's more like 7:30pm.
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
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  • ds is 3 and dd is 1 and they both go down at 8. Their downtime is from 7:30 - 8:00, lights are down, their last drink or whatever. they usually watch Caillou and that is over like at 7:53 so from there they get their teeth brushed and they are in bed by 8.
  • My older daughter is 2.5 and goes to bed between 8-9.  She has never gone to bed earlier than 8 and sleeps until 8-9 in the morning.  We recently stopped daily naps because if she took a nap she was going down at 10:30-11.  My 6 month old usually goes down for the night at 10-10:30.  I've tried making it earlier, but then it becomes a nap and she's up from 11-1.
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  • L is 4 and his bedtime is 8.  He has been going to bed at 8 for 2 years now. 
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  • Jake is almost 3, he goes to bed on 'school' nights at 730/8ish and gets up at 630. Other days its about 9 or 10 and gets up around 8ish.
  • Ethan is turning 5 in 3 months. He is usually downstairs with us, playing or hanging out until it's time to go upstairs. then the washing, the teeth, book and lights out between 9 and 9:30. I wish we'd have him in bed a bit earlier....   but it does not happen. He's home with me in the morning and usually does not need to rush anywhere, so he may sleep until 7:30 or even 8. Pre-K is 12:30-3pm.

    Next year when he's in K, and if I am still a SAHM, he'll be going to bed at 8-8:30pm... his school starts at 9am. 

    if your kids don't mind their quiet time in their rooms, I would not change anything....

    Also, we're switching clocks forward some time in March, so if you don't adjust them back, their bedtime will be 8pm! 

  • DD is 3.5 years and on a regular night (when DH is working) we start the night routine around 7 pm.  Then lights are out no later than 7:45.  I stress reading before bed.  I am cutting up the nights of the week where I read to her half the time and then she does her own "reading" the other half (just in case baby #2 demands more attention at night, I want Ani prepared to do her night routine without much assistance from me).

    She usually sleeps until 7:30/8 am... sometimes she naps, sometimes it is just quiet time in the dark for an hour during the day...

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  • DS is 3 and goes to bed around 7 and sleeps about 12 hours at night.  He does still naps most days for 1.5 hours.

    I would think the more important thing than where your kids play before bed is whether they still go to sleep well.  I guess why mess with a good thing if it's working?

    Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11
  • My DDs are 4 and 2 and go to bed at 8:00, give or take an hour depending on the day.

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