
OB vs. Peri?

When I am released from my RE (hopefully next week after an u/s), I assume he's just sending me to my OB (the nurse asked at the last visit who my OB was).  At what point do people consider seeing a high-risk dr. instead?  I guess Dr. Luke's book is making me nervous that my regular OB will have no idea how to deal with a twin pregnancy.

For those seeing a peri, was it your decision or did your OB send you to one?  Did you start seeing an OB in the beginning and were only sent to a peri for problems?

I'm just trying to figure out what will be best for me.  I almost feel like I'll offend my OB if I ask about seeing a peri at my first appt.

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Re: OB vs. Peri?

  • I just saw an OB in the beginning because everything was "looking normal" and he saw a lot of multiple pregnancies and we were both comfortable with that decision. Even so, he referred me to a Peri around 18 weeks, just to be safe. I saw them both from then on.
  • i saw an OB and a peri.  the OB was all for me seeing both - the peri will do the more high level US's, etc... and if you have problems will help make decisions on how to proceed.  The OB is almost always the person who will deliver (few peris deliver these days)... so you'll want to see both.
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  • I was referred to a high risk OB (who was also a peri) by my RE.  Maybe you can ask them for a recommendation for an OB that is experienced with twins?
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  • I saw both. My OB referred me to the MFM as soon as we confirmed twins. My MFM did all genetic testing and u/s's. My OB did standard visits an delivery. My MFM does/did not do deliveries anymore.
  • I was referred to my peri at 20 weeks, its standard practice with my OB group.  I love my peri, and enjoy seeing him more than I do my regular dr!!
  • My OB has experience with twins and referred me to the Peri for two 'extra important' appts.  She works often with that Peri for her higher risk patients and would have me go more often if I had *any* signs of trouble.  Luckily (knock on wood) my pregnancy has been very uneventful so far.  I don't anticipate going to the Peri more than those 2 previous appts.
  • I saw an OB for my first trimester but will be seeing a peri from here on out.  I made the decision on my own, after reading Dr. Luke's book.  I would rather be safe than sorry and I don't think I'll regret seeing the peri but I think I would regret seeing an OB if something went wrong down the road and I couldn't switch (where I live, it's tough to get in to see any OBs/peris after first tri).  
  • I saw an OB and peri both from the beginning as that is what my RE recommended when he released me.  He also provided me with a list of who he recommended which made my life easier.
  • Thanks ladies!  I understand a lot better now!
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  • I go to both. My OB recommended getting the NT test and they continue to see me after that. They were the ones I saw for my 18 wk u/s and have better equipment anyway. Right now I'm at about every 3 wks for both doctors.
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