
My Nestie Bestie

I just cleaned my house.  Well, picked up.  OMG --- I feel SOOO much better.  It's amazing what a little bit of accomplishment can do for your spirits.

I'm about to head out to the park with the kids (my plan although I have to be honest, wasn't sure I was going to follow through).  But I am.

And when I get home, I will put them in their rooms for 20-30 mninutes for some down time while I run a vaccuum through.

Joe is going toshit when he gets home.

And momma IS picking up some pear vodka while I'm out.  Oh yea, you read that right.  Kids will be coming with me in to the package store!  :)

Re: My Nestie Bestie

  • sigh...rub off on me!!!!

    I tried to run an errand this morning to have a change of scenery for the kids...Mitch threw 3 temper tantrums so we left, with me dragging him out screaming.

    ugh.  I don't even know what to do. 

    Anyways, I'm proud of you!!!!! 

    Maybe I'll clean the bathroom...its a small room and doesn't take long to clean....or maybe I'll go take a nap.

  • Awwww, dude!  I opened this thinking it was a PM for me!  Bummer.
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  • back off gibs and get your own nestie bestie!  Shouldn't be too hard for you!

    Stick out tongue

  • Awe could be my 2nd Nestie Bestie.  Cool?  You know I got nothin' but love for ya babe!  ;)

    And R --- :(  (((HUGS)))

    I was hoping it would motivate you a bit to feel better.  But taking a nap sounds grand. 

    Especially since we should have left 15 minutes ago but Cam has been SCREAMING that her ear hurts....for the last 15 minutes.  SO I had to call the doctor and I'm bringing her in at 4.

    Off to the park now for some fresh air.  And for all you that are thinking I'm being inconsiderate for bringing her to a public place right now --- eh, save it!  ;)

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