I've NEVER had a problem gaining weight. If I look at a cookie funny I put on 2 lbs (I was 192lbs prepg, size 16/18). I've always had to work to keep it off.
I'm 22 weeks, and now weigh 198. 2 weeks ago it was 199. I eat like crap. I mean, I eat healthy foods, but I don't limit my portion size and I'm always sneaking in dessert. I've started cooking with DD's whole milk instead of skim. I add butter or olive oil to anything possible.
The OB isn't concerned, which makes me feel better. This is just an aspect of my weight I've never had to deal with.
Re: This is a new struggle for me.
i was the same way. I was really trying to gain 24lbs in 24 weeks - but was having a really hard time- these guys just ate everthing up for energy or something. I ended up gaining 19lbs in 24w - not bad... and I did it mostly healthy which is what matters most. Total I did end up gaining 40- it was just hard early on... thankfully I went to term (38w1d) and my boys were big (6lb6oz and 7lb 15.6.oz)
enjoy eating like crazy now--- it sucks now that i'm trying to lose weight - I miss having no limits and no guilt!! It's a once in a lifetime thing to be able to eat like that!
You will be fine, just think of he weight you will lose when you have the babies. You are more than likely eating better as a result you are not gaining as much weight.
Try drinking ensure, they are high in protein and if he starts to complain about the weight gain, chocolate milk shakes
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
I certainly did NOT have a hard time gaining weight while pg hsahaha but at the same time 99% of it came off after being home 1 week (just got to get rid of my jelly belly!!) I think the lack of weight gain could be cooking 2 babies takes A LOT of energy!! then you add chasing Grace around... you are burning a ton of energy. as long at the LOS are growing and looking good no worries!!
and like Goldie said now that im not pg im having a hard time cutting back o the guilt free eating!!! i feel like eating all the time lately to the point i took a pregnancy test b/c that exactly how i felt... it was neg sooo whew!!! but i think its bc sometimes the LOS can act up and i will be stuck going hours w/o eating so i get anxious and want to eat just to be certain i dont get hungry and cranky... its a wierd anxiety thing i have developed. I hope it cuts back as LOs get older