
wish us luck! tubes going in tomorrow

I don't know what I dread more...the procedure/recovery or having to get him up at 5:30 am. He's grumpy if he wakes up before 8!


My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage

Re: wish us luck! tubes going in tomorrow

  • Good Luck. We had this done back in November, and I will tell you that being there for 6:30 am was the worst part. It was a 10 min. procedure and we were home by 9:30 am. The results were amazing.
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  • dread recovery. ?

    Bring a blankie or whatever he's clinging to lately. ?Both of mine were put out with gas and versed for ear tubes (ds) and tongue-clip (dd) at the same ENT. ?Both freaked the fock out in recovery for almost an hour. ?Just be prepared to snuggle and soothe and offer water & snacks. ?Lots of snuggles. ?I'm not gonna lie it really sucks to see them like that.

    Howevah, DS was peachy by the time we got to the car, and really, tubes were the best things that ever happened to our household. ?*hugs* & good luck tomorrow

  • We did this two weeks ago and it's been heaven.  He was super tired and slept most of the day but only needed a dose or two of Tylenol and was good to go the next day.
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